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Water Leak Repair

Stop The Drip In Your Chino, CA Home With Our Water Leak Repair Services

Leaks aren't always dramatic — with water violently erupting from beneath your floors. Instead, many are subtle and silently damage aspects of your home with their perpetual dripping. But don't be mistaken, a small leak left unattended can cause serious problems within the home. Plumbers use an array of detection methods and visual clues to pinpoint leak origins. At JIG Plumbing, we can help with leak detection and water leak repair at your Chino, CA home. Our team has more than two decades of experience and can precisely locate and repair leaks in your home or business. If you suspect a problem with your plumbing, don't wait until you're experiencing significant damage. Instead, be proactive and call our San Bernardino plumbers, who stand ready to help, at 909-280-4331 today!

Chrome Sink Pipe Leaking

How Can I Tell If I Have A Water Leak?

It would be nice if leaks were always obvious, but that's not always the case. Sometimes, they are subtle and scarcely make themselves noticeable. But there are certain signs home and business owners can look out for if they suspect a leak. Common signs of leaks include:

  • Higher than normal water bills. If your water bill increases for no apparent reason, you may have a leak somewhere in the home. Even minor leaks can waste several gallons of water each day. One way to tell if there is a leak is to check your water usage when no one is at home. Write down the numbers on the water meter before you leave and check them again when you return. If the meter has moved at all, you have a leak.
  • Lowered water pressure. Low water pressure can be caused by faulty valves, sediment in your pipes, and water leaks. When there's a crack in your pipes, less water is able to make it through your pipes. A sudden decrease in water pressure, even when no other fixtures are being used, suggests a leak somewhere in your plumbing system.
  • Mold and mildew growth. Unaddressed leaks result in mold and mildew growth. Besides being unattractive, mold causes upper respiratory issues and aggravates symptoms in those with allergies and asthma. Mold can grow as a result of moisture or standing water.
  • Water stains on ceilings. Discoloration or dark spots on your ceiling can signal a water leak. While stained ceilings often point to leaks in the roof, if you have a bathroom upstairs, the leak could very well be coming from the bathroom above.
  • Blistering paint or peeling wallpaper. If you're seeing peeling or blistering on your wall, it's likely that a leak has been going on for quite some time. Because drywall and wood absorb moisture, you may need to reconstruct the entire wall.
  • Damaged flooring. If your floor is stained, warping, or has soft spots, a leak under the floor may be to blame. Loose tiles or caulking that peels and cracks can also signal a leak.
  • Sagging ceilings. Sagging ceilings are sometimes caused by roof leaks or leaky pipes. Discoloration often accompanies sagging ceilings. If you notice a sag in your ceiling, it's important to contact a professional immediately as total collapses are possible.

What About Underground Or Yard Line Water Leaks?

Beneath every city is a labyrinth of pipes — mazes of fresh and sewer water lines. If you're connected to a municipal source, you have a main water line buried in your yard. The main service line is an underground pipe that connects your water meter to the city's water main. This is how water gets into the home (unless you have a private well). You also have a separate sewer line that transports water-dissolved solids and wastewater into the sewer.

Sometimes, these pipes spring a leak. Although the water authority handles leaking water lines on the street side of the meter, many homeowners are surprised to find that yard line water leaks between the meter and their home are the homeowner's responsibility. Fortunately, it's not too hard to test if there is a leak in your main line. To do so, turn off the main water valve to your home, often found in the basement or garage, if your home was built on a slab. If the water meter continues to run even when water access to the home is shut off, there's a good chance your main service line has a leak. You can also check along the street curb for signs of water, including puddles and wet spots in the asphalt. Mainline leaks generally occur at the fittings or junctions where one type of pipe connects to another.

Enjoy Professional Water Leak Detection & Repair With JIG Plumbing

While there are many ways to visually detect leaks, plumbers use advanced technology to pinpoint the exact location of leaks within your plumbing system. If you suspect a water leak, JIG Plumbing can help. For assistance with this and all other plumbing needs, send us a message online or call 909-280-4331 today!

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