Refer a Friend Program | Jig Plumbing
Join our family of loyal clients, get top-quality plumbing service, and earn a $50 gift card with our referral program; it's win-win!
With same-day appointments available, you won't have to wait weeks to get your plumbing back in action.
We offer pay over time options so you can get the plumbing service you need now and pay in convenient monthly installments.
Since 2011, JIG Plumbing has been building an ever-increasing family of satisfied and loyal clients. We look forward to serving you!
Our Customers Say It Best!
20:22 03 Sep 24
JIG should always be the go to place for your plumbing needs. they are great and are honest, hard working
Tee Stan
19:35 31 Aug 24
Very friendly technician, professional, and provided excellent service. I will most definitely use this company again!
Pat Smith
16:45 31 Aug 24
Excellent timely service. Also recommended additional services available and will send relevant information. I've been searching for a reliable service and it appears that I have found one with Mr. Maldonado.
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